hawkshaw [hawk-shaw]
a detective
What is Genetic Genealogy?
Genetic Genealogy is an extraordinary tool for unveiling the mysteries surrounding unknown parentage. By combining the power of DNA analysis and genealogical research, it offers a compelling path to identify biological connections and discover missing pieces of one's lineage. Through careful examination of genetic markers, hidden stories come to light, enabling individuals to find their biological roots and understand their heritage in ways never before possible. Explore the realm of Genetic Genealogy and embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, as you uncover the truth and reclaim your identity.
What is Investigative Genetic Genealogy?
Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG, and sometimes called Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy, or FIGG) is an innovative analytical approach that utilizes DNA technology to solve criminal cases and identify unknown individuals. By analyzing DNA profiles and conducting extensive genealogical research, this cutting-edge technique assists law enforcement agencies and forensic experts in unraveling cold cases, revealing the identities of criminals and John/Jane Does. Through the intricate web of genetic connections, Investigative Genetic Genealogy provides a powerful tool to uncover the truth and bring closure to unresolved mysteries.
Why should I seek the services of an professional Genetic Genealogist?
Whether you are in Law Enforcement, an adoptee, or simply someone on a quest to solve a family mystery, having an educated, experienced, and professional genetic genealogist is essential. They possess the knowledge and expertise to analyze your DNA and unravel the intricate connections that hold the answers you seek. Armed with the right tools and techniques, they can piece together the puzzle of your unknown parentage or help identify criminals and John/Jane Does. Furthermore, a skilled genetic genealogist provides invaluable guidance throughout the process, offering insights and support to navigate the complexities of genetic testing and interpretation.
With their expertise by your side, you can unlock the secrets of your lineage and bring resolution to your mysterious family history.